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HSA Launch

HSA Launch

Author: Tautoko Support Services/Thursday, 3 November 2016/Categories: News

Tena koutou, tena koutou, tena koutou katoa

I’m Jan Perkins the New Zealand Lead for Helen Sanderson Associates.

Thank you for joining us to launch Helen Sanderson Associates New Zealand.

Helen Sanderson Associates New Zealand is passionate about personalisation and person centred change for people, teams, organisations and communities. We are available to develop train and consult across all sectors.

We are part of an international training, development and consultancy team and our purpose is to work with you to adopt person centred practices to achieve better lives for people, teams, organisations and communities.

At the core of our work is the quality of the conversations we have with people and today is a starting point for those conversations. The direction that we take over the coming year will depend on how and where we can be the most useful in supporting people to develop their practice.

We have given you copies of our one-page-profiles. One-page profiles are a practical way of recording and sharing information about an individual. You can use them to help you to get to know both colleagues and people you support or offer services to.

I would encourage you to think of taking a whole organisation approach. This can start with using Progress for Providers – this is the document we have provided you with a copy of today and which many of you have taken the time to read and provide feedback. I want to thank everyone who has contributed to this New Zealand version of Progress for Providers. This document can also be downloaded free from the Helen Sanderson Associates Press website.

The best way to use Progress for Providers is in pairs or teams so that you can have a conversation about where you are at now, to think and talk about what “good” looks like, what evidence you have to support your scores and then to make a plan to move up the scale.

There are a number of ways of keeping on top of your actions from Progress for Providers, by using buddies internally or externally, having a set agenda item at all team meetings, embedding person centred tools in supervision meetings, sharing and celebrating success and using processes such as Team 15.

There are other versions of Progress for Providers available that focus specifically on - delivering personalised support for people living with dementia; promoting independence, wellbeing and self-reliance; preparation for adulthood; support at end of life etc.

Progress for Providers is only one of the resources available. If you go to HSA on line learning you can view a number of video clips packed full of ideas about embedding person centred practice no matter what area you are working in.

We appreciate the support from NZDSN in enabling the development of HSA in New Zealand.

We also appreciate the support we have received from Te Pou. It has been great to have conversations about Progress for Providers and the Let’s Get Real Disability Framework.

I also want to thank Careerforce for the opportunity to explore how the work of HSANZ can complement the ITO’s development in the Health and Wellbeing sector.

Please contact Marie Calderbank our HSANZ Associate at any time if you would like to explore any training possibilities.

I would just like to say a few words about person centred outcomes. There is a huge focus now for all providers on delivering to outcomes and collecting and showing evidence on achievements. So we thought we would share with you the 8 step process developed by Helen Sanderson entitled “How can I make sure we have person-centred outcomes for people?” This may be a process you would like to consider further when you are asking the question from the Results Based Accountability framework “Is anybody better off?”

Thank you all for coming today I hope you have found the information you have heard useful.

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